
Free Software


Autonomic is a worker co-operative, with members in five countries across four continents where all worker-owners make decisions democratically, with an equal stake in the organisation.

They have a strong commitment to Open Source software, open standards, open data, and practices of communication and care; more about their founding principles can be read on their website.

Autonomic aims to empower their clients to make a positive impact on the world. Their work is primarily supporting groups and individuals with social-good missions. Their goals are to help and support the work of progressive community building by using the best open source commons software.

Their clients have included third sector organisations (Shaping Our Lives, Fashion Revolution, and Campaign Against Arms Trade), art collectives (Ruangrupa) and social movement change makers such as Solidarity Apothecary, and the IWW, UTAW, and Comicgewerkschaft unions.

For Big Brother Watch, they offer expert and bespoke IT support spanning hardware, software, and an overhaul of Big Brother Watch's operating system and security measures.

Beyond their membership, they’re also actively involved with CoTech, a UK network of tech co-ops, and Patio, an international tech co-op coalition. You can reach them at boop@autonomic.zone.