More than 70 MPs from across the political spectrum have pledged their opposition against the use of vaccine passports in England, calling them “dangerous, discriminatory and counterproductive.”
The government say no final decision on vaccine passports has been made, but a series of trials are being planned and a review is underway.
Big Brother Watch has argued that it could “create a two-tier nation of division, discrimination and injustice”.
“Our common goal is to emerge from lockdown – healthy, safe and free. But we won’t arrive at freedom through exclusion. Covid passes would be the first attempt at segregation in Britain for many decades, dividing communities without reducing the risks.”
“We are in real danger of becoming a check-point society where anyone from bouncers to bosses could demand to see our papers.”
“We cannot let this Government create a two-tier nation of division, discrimination and injustice.”
“In a report – entitled “Access Denied” – the group said if certificates were brought in, it would be “the first policy for decades that could see segregation imposed throughout the population”.
BBC – Coronavirus: Dozens of MPs criticise ‘divisive’ Covid passports
The Guardian – Senior Tories join Jeremy Corbyn to oppose Covid passports ahead of trials
Mirror – Boris Johnson faces battle with 70 MPs to introduce vaccine passports for the pub
Morning Star – Vaccine Passports: ‘Dangerous, discriminatory and counter-productive’