Daily Mail – Is your smart home device spying on you?

Big Brother Watch Team / December 24, 2018

In addition to their supposed usefulness and capabilities in the home, smart home devices are also highly efficient surveillance systems, monitoring your daily habits on behalf of the tech company providers, friends and family, and even the police. These connected devices are increasingly being used to provide evidence to the police, as well as eavesdropping on your intimate moments.

Director Silkie Carlo said:

“The very idea of a smart home is one of ambient surveillance and constant recording. Many smart devices are essentially internet-connected surveillance devices that their owners have limited control of.

“The terms are deliberately set out to protect the company’s interests rather than the user’s. Families should think carefully about the security risks before spending their money on these devices.”


Daily Mail: Is your smart speaker SPYING on you? They are the year’s must-have presents but privacy campaigners fear ‘connected’ gizmos are actually highly efficient surveillance devices