i News – Spike in the use of retrospective facial recognition sparks privacy concerns

Big Brother Watch Team / September 23, 2023

Hundreds of thousands of innocent people’s faces are being stored by police in a vast facial recognition database. The use of retrospective facial recognition by the police is putting more people—especially people of colour—at risk of being misidentified.

Madeleine Stone said:

“Police forces’ ongoing failure to comply with the legal requirement to delete the custody images of unconvicted people means that innocent people could find themselves wrongly labelled as criminal.

“We urgently need a democratic, lawful approach to the role of facial biometrics in Britain, and without this, police forces should not be using this Orwellian technology at all.”

i News – Hundreds of thousands of innocent people on police databases as forces expand use of facial recognition tech (inews.co.uk)

Morning Star – Surge in police use of facial recognition sparks concerns over wrongful targeting