The Independent — “Extraordinary laws are being applied incorrectly and disproportionately across the country”

Big Brother Watch Team / May 18, 2020

With police in England now able to issue even larger fines under emergency powers, this postcode lottery of policing should urgently be looked at and all fines issued so far should be reviewed.

Silkie Carlo, director of Big Brother Watch said that the figures showed a “worrying postcode lottery of policing under emergency powers”. She continued:

“It means these extraordinary laws are being applied incorrectly and disproportionately across the country.

“We’ve seen inconsistent and sometimes heavy-handed policing, even leading to unlawful prosecutions. With police in England now able to issue even larger fines this urgently should be looked at and all fines issued so far should be reviewed.”

The Independent — Coronavirus fines being handed out 26 times more frequently in different areas amid ‘postcode lottery’