The Scottish Sun – SQA consider using facial recognition to deter students from cheating

Big Brother Watch Team / January 11, 2021

Recently, the Scottish Qualifications Authority pitched ideas to help student’s and teacher’s cope with the current lockdown. However, some of these ideas included cameras watching students during exams to prevent cheating. This could include facial recognition technology to prevent student’s from getting someone else to complete exams, and special software installed on laptops. On the matter, Silkie Carlo, Big Brother’s director, said:

“This is highly intrusive and unfair. Young people have been through enough.

“Many will understandably feel extremely nervous taking assessments while someone spies on them through a webcam.

“Extending monitoring into children’s bedrooms destroys the sanctity of the private home.”

The Scottish Sun – Scots teachers plan to use hi-tech equipment to spy on pupils to ensure they don’t cheat when sitting tests at home