

Join our investigation to uncover the Government’s use of secret algorithms that shape the welfare system and disadvantage society’s poorest, by using our simple tool.


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Our 9-month long investigation “Poverty Panopticon: The Hidden Algorithms Shaping Britain’s Welfare State” revealed how councils across the UK are conducting mass profiling of welfare and social care recipients and “citizen scoring” to predict fraud, rent non-payments and major life events. Huge databases predict if children are at risk of abuse or if people could likely to become involved in future criminality or even if they’re being abused.

We can now lift the lid on what life is like inside the UK's poverty panopticon.

Inside the UK's Poverty Panopticon
Black box algorithms and secretive AI tools sit at the heart of the UK's welfare system - with little accountability. Our investigation offers a glimpse into life inside the UK’s poverty panopticon.


Find out if your local council uses people's personal data to decide if they are a ‘fraud risk’ using our interactive map.


540,000 benefits applicants secretly assigned fraud risk scores by councils’ algorithms before they can access support.

Personal data from 1.6 million people living in social housing is processed by commercial algorithms to predict rent non-payers

250,000+ people’s personal information processed by secretive automated tools that try to predict if they’ll be abused, become homeless, or become involved in crime

Read the report by clicking here or on the image below

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Submit a SAR

If you receive Housing Benefit and want to help our investigation, submit a Subject Access Request using our template

Submit a SAR

Make a Subject Access Request

You are legally entitled to ask any organisation how they use your information and why. A Subject Access Request lets you ask what data your council or the DWP holds on you and how it is used.

The responses you get will be vital to our research - if you decide to share it confidentially with Big Brother Watch. In return, we promise to do everything we can to explain how your data is being processed.

If you receive Housing Benefit and want to help our investigation, follow these three simple steps:

1. Fill in this form

2. Copy and paste the letter below into the “Information You Need Box”

We suggest a date range for the request from 1st January 2019 to the present day.

It is important to include a) your contact details; b) any additional information (account numbers, etc.) that the council may use to distinguish you from others.

You may be asked to provide a copy of an ID to make sure you’re getting the right data, this is completely normal.

3. Send the results in confidence to info@bigbrotherwatch.org.uk

If you have any questions, email us and we will be happy to help.