Metro – Workers are being subjected to intrusive surveillance

Big Brother Watch Team / September 23, 2024

Workers up and down the country are being increasingly subject to surveillance from their bosses. Privacy and civil liberties NGO Big Brother Watch are today due to release a report on the rise in workplace surveillance and how to stop it.

Susannah Copson, legal and policy officer at Big Brother Watch said:

‘Bosses risk breaching employees’ data rights when they use intrusive surveillance technology to spy on staff under the mandate of “efficiency” or “convenience”.

‘Excessive workplace spying also creates a culture of fear, undermining workers’ autonomy, dignity, and mental health. The alarming growth of these practices shows the Government must legislate to protect workers from the harms of Big Brother-style surveillance in the workplace.’

‘The government should act on calls from technology experts and human rights groups around the world and ban this pseudoscientific AI surveillance.’

Metro – Why office workers could soon be filmed all day at their desks