Police and private companies in the UK have been quietly rolling out facial recognition surveillance cameras, taking ‘faceprints’ of millions of people — often without you knowing about it. That’s biometric data as sensitive as a fingerprint. This is an enormous expansion of the surveillance state.
We must stop this dangerously authoritarian surveillance now. We now have a real chance of winning the fight – but our campaign needs to be stronger than ever if we’re to get live facial recognition banned. It’s the only way to ensure we don’t find ourselves in an ever-more dystopian world in the future.
That’s why we’ve launched our Stop Facial Recognition Fund: https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/stopfacialrecognition/
With your support, we’ll use this fund to grow pressure in parliament to ban live facial recognition, launch local campaigns, organise demonstrations, monitor police wherever, whenever they use live facial recognition, provide legal advice & support to anyone affected by live facial recognition, and work with groups around the world fighting live facial recognition.
This fighting fund aims to do exactly what it says on the tin. Every penny goes directly towards our work fighting facial recognition and, as long as you support us, we won’t give up until we win. We can’t do this without you. Please donate today to #StopFacialRecognition for good and SHARE widely! https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/stopfacialrecognition